
The weekly shopping run on Tuesdays is back on track. Margaret Cox has taken over co-ordinating the trips so if you would like to take advantage of this useful service, please call her on 01483 810158. People with a Bus Pass travel free but remember, you don’t have to be a Senior Citizen to enjoy the service. Everyone is welcome and indeed, it would be lovely to see new and younger faces,which would also increase the numbers and help to ensure the service can continue.

Compo, the village minibus, has been part of Compton’s life for over 30 years. Compo is now operated by the Village Association but the minibus is now owned by Watts Gallery and operated as a joint-venture between the Gallery and the Village Association.  This has enabled the minibus to continue serving the residents of Compton and Shackleford with regular shopping runs.  Watts Gallery use Compo to transport participants to both regular and special events. 

 Compo is a modern 14 seat minibus with a wheelchair lift.  It is driven by volunteers from Compton, Shackleford and Watts Gallery.

Note: This scheduled shopping service includes pick-up and return to homes. No charge for Senior Citizens holding Bus Passes. £3.50 single fare for others.

To book, phone Margaret Cox on 01483 810158
