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Fri 21st – Milford Probus Club lunch, Godalming Masonic Hall, GU7 1RQ, from 12 noon.

On Friday 21 June after a friendly lunch, members of Milford Probus Club and visitors will hear about Farnborough’s unique place in aeronautical science. Peter Buckroyd, a trustee, will explain how the Farnborough Air Sciences Trust has campaigned successfully to safeguard aircraft, satellites, simulators, drones and buildings related to the Royal Aircraft Establishment, and to bring their unique place in aviation history to the public. It starts at 12.30pm (pre-lunch drinks from 12pm) and takes place at Godalming Masonic Hall, GU7 1RQ. Visit or book a lunch (book the Monday before please) with Jon Warnke, / 07818 602699.